

noun, often attributive \ˈher\

: a thin threadlike growth from the skin of a person or animal

: a covering or growth of hairs

: the covering of hairs on a person's head

Full Definition of HAIR

a :  a slender threadlike outgrowth of the epidermis of an animal; especially :  one of the usually pigmented filaments that form the characteristic coat of a mammal
b :  the hairy covering of an animal or a body part; especially :  the coating of hairs on a human head
:  haircloth
a :  a minute distance or amount <won by a hair>
b :  a precise degree <aligned to a hair>
obsolete :  nature, character
:  a filamentous structure that resembles hair <leaf hair>
hair·less adjective
hair·less·ness noun
hair·like \-ˌlīk\ adjective
in one's hair
:  persistently and annoyingly in one's presence <can't work with you in my hair all day>
out of one's hair
:  out of one's way :  not in one's hair <keep the children out of his hair for a while>

Illustration of HAIR

Origin of HAIR

Middle English, from Old English ̄r; akin to Old High German hār hair
First Known Use: before 12th century

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IN ONE'S HAIR Defined for Kids


noun \ˈher\

Definition of HAIR for Kids

:  a threadlike growth from the skin of a person or animal <She pulled out a hair.>
:  a covering or growth of hairs <I got my hair cut.>
:  something (as a growth on a leaf) like an animal hair
:  a very small distance or amount <I won by a hair.>
haired \ˈherd\ adjective <a long-haired dog>
hair·less \ˈher-ləs\ adjective
hair·like \-ˌlīk\ adjective
Medical Dictionary


noun , often attrib \ˈha(ə)r, ˈhe(ə)r\

Medical Definition of HAIR

:  a slender threadlike outgrowth of the epidermis of an animal; especially :  one of the usually pigmented filaments that form the characteristic coat of a mammal
:  the hairy covering of an animal or a body part; especially :  the coating of hairs on a human head
hair·like \-ˌlīk\ adjective

Illustration of HAIR


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